Moral and Normative Bases of Commissioning-Rule in Societal Values

In this third volume of the African Corporatism Manifesto, Omolaja explored his theories and ideas about nationalism and commicracy. He envisioned a systematic and equality treatment of the organisational structure of commicracy in its interpersonal procedures. He claimed that ancient Africa is the foremost early illustration of an organised commicracy, and illustrated the work of Edward Blyden (1832-1912) to support his claim. He introduced a mathematical formula to convey the Afro-Western argument, from African expectations of formula n= h+ x +r to western economic activities in Africa of formula n=h+ x –r; made the African Independence struggle inevitable. He said: “The western media institution from the colonial era, Africans should owed their appreciations, for…they caused Africans’ reactions to fight for our own social and economic development under colonialism.” Through Patriarchy and Matriarchy, Omolaja theorised the word Satriarchy from the Latin word ‘Supervidere’ to meaning ‘an organised gender-equal commicratic society and family household.’ He also coined the word: Ethicracy, from the word ‘ethical-rules’; and he theorised the word: Interpeer, to meaning ‘the formal form of communication within commicracy.’ He claimed that: “African cooperativism is the micro-economy to his macro-economy theory of ethno-corporatism.” Omolaja proposed the claim that whilst his theories of commicracy and govox-populi interact interdependently to produce an advanced form of ethnopublican society, bureaucracy and politics are organised to be dependent on one or the other, and results in society polarisation socially or economically or both. He attributed the problem of the “dependencies” to be the base that is reproducing the condition of underdevelopment across the divided African nations, and also the material cause for a whole lot of avoidable social problems in human society the world over.
Moral and Normative Bases of Commissioning Rule in Societal Values