Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – United African States [UAS] Opinion Poll

1. What is the purpose of this opinion poll?

The purpose of this opinion poll is to gather insights and perspectives from the current African generation both in the HomeLand and in the diaspora on the Pan-African aspirations of our ancestors to unite all African nations into a single national body. Your vote will help inform our older generation in government across Africa and contribute to the development of policies and initiatives to create a United African States [UAS].

2. Who is conducting this opinion poll?

This opinion poll is being conducted by Omolaja Makinee, following the publication of his five volume book: Manifesto of African Corporatist Society. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of data privacy and confidentiality throughout the poll process.

3. Is my participation in this survey voluntary?

Yes, your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary. You have the choice to participate or decline without any repercussions.

4. Are people selected to participate in this survey?

We require ONLY people of Africa or African descents from anywhere to participate in this opinion poll. We aim to ensure a diverse and representative sample of opinions from the African people.

5. How long will it take to complete the survey?

The time required to complete the survey may vary depending on individuals. On average, it should take approximately 10 minutes or less to complete.

6. Will my vote be kept confidential?

Yes, your votes will be kept confidential and anonymous. We automated the aggregation of the data collected to analyse trends and live-feeds the results in real time, but individual responses will not be shared or attributed to specific participants.

7. Can I skip questions or sections of the survey?

Yes, you may skip questions of the survey if you prefer not to answer them. However, we encourage you to provide responses to as many questions as possible to ensure the robustness of the data collected.

8. How will the results of the survey be used?

The results of the survey will be used to generate peoples' mandate, of the perceived legitimacy of our current African generation to implement the aspirations and hopes of our ancestors to unite all the colonial divided African nations into a United African States [UAS].

The live-feed result of this opinion poll is to inform the African Union [AU] and all African leaders and head of states under the current political system and democratic processes within Africa.

Participant voters are free to share the growing trend of the result at any one time with individual African leader, Thinkers, policymakers, and the public through reports, presentations, and other communication channels.

9. How can I get more information or provide feedback about the survey?

If you have additional questions, concerns, or feedback about the survey, please contact us.

Click the Participate tab and the contact page is right at the bottom.

We welcome your input and are here to assist you throughout the process.

10. Where can I access the results of the survey?

The results of the survey is automated and built with live-feed features and available to the public through participant voters.

You can only have access to the result when you register to vote. Click the Voters button now to register to vote.