Citizenry Shared Control of State Government Administration By Govox-Populi

In this second volume of African Corporatism Manifesto, Omolaja advanced his theories and ideas about corporatism and nationalism. He provided a transforming-structure of how human society could achieve a first stage of a classless society he called hybrid-society. He advocates for the outright abolition of the organisation of bureaucracy to be replaced by commicracy; he defines his developing theory of ethno-socialism as a highest stage of socialism that would inherently lead human society to a classless-society. He defined ethnopublicanism as a socialist-state for both ethnopublican nationalism and ethno-corporatist economy– as a system of shared-governance between the government and the governed, non-monetary economy, no economic-classes, existence of a state and equalism-delivery system between social groups. He laid down two pathways to enter ethnopublican nationalism state structure, in what he called: the republican pathway and the monarchy or constitutional-monarchy pathway. Omolaja claims we are now in what he called the: Age-of-Revelation; he defined as the beginning of the re-evaluation of social and economic values that emphasises equalism-delivery relations to everyone in human society, making what would otherwise have been monetised in capitalist society open for anyone and from anywhere free to use, re-use, redistribute them, modify any creative works of others in the form of free content without compensation or requiring the consent of the original creators. This era will eventually see to the abolition of copyright laws, economic-class and will make intellectual properties of individuals freely available to the collective of human society. The culture of collective-individualism is in full swing in our generation, he claimed.